The Huberman Notes presents the science featured on The Huberman Lab Podcast.
Each episode of the podcast contains about two hours of dense information. It can feel like drinking from a firehose.
So these shorter, written posts will hopefully be a useful supplement to the podcast.
Many will be familiar with the podcast, as it frequently ranks in the top 25 of all podcasts globally. The podcast often holds the #1 spot in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.
These statistics become all the more astonishing by the fact of its relatively recent launch in 2021.
The podcast's rapid accent is a testament to the quality and useability of the knowledge shared.
It’s hosted by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D.
Andrew is a tenured Professor and neuroscientist at Stanford School of Medicine. In addition to being a prize-winning scientist with numerous significant contributions to neuroscience, he runs his own lab at Stanford.
His intriguing life story is also worth checking out.
I’ve learned more from The Huberman Lab podcast than any other.
He brilliantly explains complex science to a lay audience and follows up with tools and protocols each of us can use to enhance our lives.
Huberman tells his students to ‘watch one, do one, teach one’. That’s how science spreads.
In that spirit, I hope The Huberman Notes can help spread these ideas.
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